作者 / Peter Lu‧呂旭明會計師、Max Lu‧呂嘉昕信託師
U.S. Trust and Estate Planning 美國信託規劃實務(英文部分)
Chapter 5 The Rise of the Global Family Office
Advantages of EU Member State Status in Cross-Border Wealth Transfer Planning
Over the past 30 years, numerous wealth-creating families have built substantial businesses and accumulated significant wealth. As the first generation of wealth creators now faces the crucial task of planning for inheritance, they often hope that their descendants will inherit their wisdom and good fortune, ensuring the longevity of their wealth. As the Chinese proverb says, "Starting a business is difficult, but maintaining it is even harder." Given the increasing geopolitical tensions, stricter tax regulations, and heightened information disclosure requirements, along with the fact that family members often relocate to different countries to meet their personal living needs, family wealth will inevitably extend globally across multiple generations.

To effectively manage investments spread across the globe, high-net-worth family members must be able to move freely between countries. However, increasingly stringent international technology controls and travel restrictions have become significant obstacles for these families. In this context, having EU member state status offers the following advantages:
1. Harmonized Legal Framework: The EU provides a unified legal structure for inheritance and estate planning across member states, simplifying asset management and cross-border transfers.
2. European Certificate of Succession: EU citizens benefit from a recognized certificate that facilitates proving heir status or executorship throughout EU nations, streamlining estate administration.
3. Tax Benefits: Bilateral agreements among EU states prevent double taxation on inheritances and estate transfers, ensuring financial savings for beneficiaries.
4. Access to Financial Services: EU residency grants access to diverse financial services and products across member states, enhancing flexibility in managing inherited wealth.
5. Freedom of Movement: EU residents can freely relocate within member states, enabling strategic moves to jurisdictions with favorable tax laws or inheritance regulations.
6. Property Rights Protection: Robust EU regulations safeguard property rights, ensuring efficient management and transfer of inherited assets.
7. Simplified Legal Procedures: Enhanced cooperation among EU states reduces bureaucratic hurdles in legal matters related to inheritance and estate planning, promoting streamlined processes.