作者 / Peter Lu‧呂旭明會計師◎著/Max Lu‧呂嘉昕投資顧問◎審稿
Estate Planning by U.S. Trust 美國報稅與海外財產揭露(英文部分)
Chapter 3 ─ U.S. Dynasty Trusts
Section 2: The Dynasty Trust and its Importance
Dynasty trusts can be grouped by the grantor’s intent. A trust is usually classified as dynasty trust if it is established to pass wealth on for multiple generations. A dynasty trust is often used as an estate planning tool for succession.  Benefits of settling a dynasty trust include (1) providing asset protection for future generations, (2) minimizing legal risks, (3) achieving the goal of passing on wealth for multiple generations, and (4) reducing transfer taxes.
Trusts in each jurisdiction have differing term limitations, in accordance with local law. In certain states, a rule against perpetuities is imposed, whereby trusts’ lifespans are limited. In other states, there are no laws limiting the number of years a trust can be in existence. 
Generally, trust law varies by state. The governing jurisdiction is usually able to impose its own rules regulating trust settled. Most often, a corporate trustee is selected, since the corporate trustee is regulated by the state it does business in. Many Asian clients establish their trusts in either Delaware or Nevada.